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Meet the speakers

Cutting edge sessions



Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes

Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes, PhD is Full Professor in the Dept. of Anatomy and Embryology at the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden the Netherlands and appointed Guest Professor at the Dept. Reproductive Medicine, University Ghent, Belgium. She is the current coordinator of the Special Interest Group “Stem Cells” of ESHRE.


Eva Hoffmann


Eva Hoffmann

Prof. ER Hoffmann was educated at the University of Oxford (Ph,D, 2002), UK and trained as a geneticist at the University of Leicester, UK and Yale University, USA before joining the MRC Genome Damage and Stability Center as a principle investigator in 2005.
Initially, a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow, she was an MRC Senior Fellow and EMBO Young Investigator (2010-2015).
In 2015, she became a Professor of Genomics and Reproductive Health at the University of Copenhagen. She is currently a Novo Nordisk Young Investigator and ERC Consolidator Awardee. She serves on several Committees and Boards, internatioally and nationally, including the EU funded ReproUnion.



Nikica Zaninovic


Nikica Zaninovic

In 2012, Dr. Zaninovic’s laboratory became one of the first in the world to initiate the clinical use of the pioneering new embryo incubation system, the EmbryoScope®. He and his staff are currently focused on the development of new embryo selection/deselection protocols using data collected by the EmbryoScope®’s time-lapse microscopy of developing embryos.
In addition to his clinical duties, Dr. Zaninovic has ongoing research projects in human embryonic stem cell (hESCs) derivation.
Dr. Zaninovic received his Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Biology from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He is double-certified as a High-complexity Laboratory Director (H.C.L.D.) and Embryology Laboratory Director (E.L.D.) by the American Association of Bioanalysts. In 1990, he was responsible for South America’s first successful intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) pregnancies. In 1995, he joined Weill Cornell as a supervisor in the Embryology Laboratory and was subsequently appointed the Lab's Director in 2010. His interests include clinical and experimental embryology as well as stem cell biology.