Celebrate with us the 40th anniversary of our Annual Meeting. Register here for ESHRE 2024.

Course description

Course type


Course description

An update on current knowledge and latest developments in the minimally invasive surgical management of infertility-associated pathology either spontaneously or prior to ART. Live surgery will highlight the effectiveness of hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery. With some research papers showing contradictory results on the efficacy of reproductive surgery in the era of ART, clinicians should gain an outline of the best strategies for the management of infertility-associated surgical pathology and improve their understanding of reproductive performance after surgery. A keynote lecture closing the workshop from former SIG Co-ordinator Stephan Gordts will review the evolution of surgery in reproduction.


Target audience

Clinicians, surgeons and practice managers


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

Experts in reproductive endoscopic surgery will present the added value of hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery and will show in live surgery the benefits of this approach in cases of infertility.

At the conclusion of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Appraise the effectiveness of hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery, which are considered the “gold standard” for the management of infertility-associated surgical pathology
  2. Select which patients will benefit from minimally invasive surgery to achieve spontaneous pregnancy
  3. Improve the reproductive performance of patients undergoing ART


Innovative aspects of the course

  1. Evidence-based presentations on the value of hysteroscopy-laparoscopy to improve pregnancy rates
  2. Live surgery (both hysteroscopic and laparoscopic) in selected infertility cases
  3. GESEA-ECRES Level 1 training session


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Discussions
  • Live surgery
  • GESEA-ECRES Level 1 training


The official language of the course is English.