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ESHRE Webinar 2024 ECS

Current practice and practitioners view on preconception ECS: ESHRE-ESHG Survey results

ESHRE Webinar

organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Reproductive Genetics




Course description

The availability of NGS has facilitated the expansion of ECS strategies, currently offered particularly in the private sector in the context of ART. ECS aims to identify couples at increased risk of having an affected child with a serious genetic disorder and to facilitate reproductive informed decision-making of those couples. This webinar will review and discuss the results of a recently performed survey, developed by ESHRE and ESHG, on the current practice related to ECS in ART centres across Europe. The data collected and the live discussion might contribute to identifying critical elements and informing the future development of responsible evidence-based strategies.

Target audience

Reproductive geneticists, genetic counselors, gynecologists, embryologists, nurses


Needs assessment

ECS is a widely used tool in reproductive genetics. Current trends and practices from laboratories offering ECS will be presented in this webinar by speakers contributing to the development and analysis of the ESHRE-ESHG survey. Education about current ECS clinical practice in Europe, the technical aspects relevant to ECS offering, views and concerns from practitioners, as well as a review of regulatory frameworks among countries, will be provided during the webinar.

Expected educational outcomes

To provide information on ECS clinical application: - technical considerations on gene-panel development by different practitioners - reasons for utilization or not utilization of ECS in clinical practice - regulatory frameworks in different countries. - preferred clinical strategy amongst survey responders -cost-effectiveness considerations - challenges and moral dilemmas encountered by the practitioners.


 17:00 - 17:05
 Introduction by Antonio Capalbo and Borut Peterlin

 17:05 - 17:20
 Overview of the survey and results - Saria Mcheik, ESHRE research specialist

 17:20 - 17:35
 Critical appraisal of results and takeaways - Lidewij Henneman

 17:35 - 18:00    Q&A moderated by Antonio Capalbo and Borut Peterlin