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Course description

Course type


Course description

Health and nutrition of both men and women periconception is important not only for fertility pregnancy outcomes but also for lifelong health of the next generation. Fertility health care professionals are optimally placed to influence many aspects of the periconception health of our patients, but the question often asked is 'are we doing enough?'.


Target audience

Clinical practitioners of IVF


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

This campus would fulfill the educational needs in many aspects of periconceptional health prior to IVF treatment, provide scientific evidence based knowledge and tools for clinicians to be better equipped for their day to day care of patients.

At then end of the course participants should be:

  • Understanding the impact of endocrine, nutritional and lifestyle periconception impact on fertility patients
  • Able to start to apply skills and knowledge learnt in daily practice
  • Able to understand evidence based intervention strategies available


Innovative aspects of the course

This course brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts to address a fundamentally important clinical care question. It focuses on how to optimise periconception health of our patients to improve our ART outcomes.


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Discussions


The official language of the course is English.