The multiple choices (sides) of IVF

Precongress Course 1

Embryology Special Interest Group Embryology

Course coordinators
Maria J. de los Santos (Spain), Kersti Lundin (Denmark), Giovanni Coticchio (Italy), Susanna Apter (Sweden), Sophie Debrock (Belgium), Carlos Plancha (Portugal)

Course type

Course description
ART is always looking for new tactics to improve the overall clinical success rates.
Among these strategies personalized medicine is receiving more and more importance. The versatility of the IVF laboratory is, without doubt, helping in this mission, but at the same time, it is fundamental to identify the best laboratory approaches to pursue the desired outcome as well as making sure that the patients benefit from the implementation of such strategies.

Target audience
Embryologist, clinicians, laboratory technicians, and professionals working in reproductive medicine.

Educational needs and expected outcomes

At the conclusion of this course participants should understand the rationale behind choosing a specific IVF lab strategy versus another; the scientific and medical evidences supporting each medical decision, and the expected outcomes.
