ART in 2020: the next frontier

Precongress Course 4 

Safety and quality in ART Stem Cells Special Interest Groups Safety and Quality in ART and Stem Cells

Course type

Course co-ordinators 
Willianne Nelen from the SIG SQUART (The Netherlands) and Rita Vassena (Spain)

Course description 
Last decade a lot of new developmental steps have been made in fertility and other health care fields. Now it is the moment they are coming towards us the coming years. Patients will ask for them, but what is the value of these new developments for daily practice? And what is already know about its quality and safety? These fundamental question will be discussed from the perspective of patients, doctors, basic scientists, embryologists and ethicists.

Target audience 
Clinicians, paramedicals, basic researchers, embryologists and ethicists 

Educational needs and expected outcomes
The field of reproductive care moves and evolutes fast. This creates the need for a lot of the professionals to be informed about all those new techniques and for the opportunity to discuss with their colleagues about the ethical aspects, the opportunities and challenges of these innovations. After reviewing the recent literature within the field of reproductive medicine and allied health care fields the following program was composed. Visiting this program will provide you new knowledge on recent development within reproductive medicine. Moreover, it will provide you information about the ethical aspects of these developments and it will give you insight into the opportunities to implement these techniques yes or no in your own clinical practice in a safe way.

