Page 172 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 172
P-096 Impact of early apoptosis in sperm cells: our results in 598 patients
R. Lafuente1, G. López1, J. Canals1, D. Rey1, E. Carballo1, M. Brassesco2
1CIRH. Clínica Corachan. ANACER, Andrology Lab, Barcelona, Spain 2CIRH. Clínica Corachan. ANACER, Medical Dpt, Barcelona, Spain
P-097 Analysis of meiosis in testicular biopsy: relationship to sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF), ploidy status and apoptosis measured by flow cytometry.
G. López Granollers1, R. Lafuente1, P. Godoy2, E. Fabian2, A. García-Peiró3, J. Ribas-Maynou3, M. Brassesco2
1CIRH Clinica Corachan, Andrology Laboratory, Barcelona, Spain
2CIRH Clinica Corachan, Medical Department, Barcelona, Spain
3CIMAB Parc de Recerca de la UAB, Research department, Bellaterra Barcelona, Spain
P-098 Correlation between two parameters of sperm DNA integrity, DNA fragmentation index and big halo pattern, with respect to sperm decondensation index and semen characteristics
A. Crippa1, M.C. Magli1, F. Muzzonigro1, E. Colpi2, E. Feliciani1, A.P. Ferraretti1, L. Gianaroli1
1S.I.S.Me.R. s.r.l., Reproductive Medicine Unit, Bologna, Italy
2I.I.R.M., Reproductive Medicine Unit, Pambio-Noranco Lugano, Switzerland
P-099 State of chromatin compaction and its impact on sperm DNA damage under oxidative stress conditions
F. Azpiroz1, D. Lorenzi1, F. Nodar1, C. Alvarez Sedó1
1CEGyR, Buenos Aires, Argentina
P-100 Evaluation of the efficiency of two different cryoprotectants and two different protocols to preserve human spermatozoa from cryoinjury.
M.F. Starita1, A. Alteri1, E. Rega1, P. Giannini1, C. Piscitelli1, A. Colicchia1, G. Fabozzi1
1Villa Margherita, Ferticlinic, Rome, Italy
P-101 Improved clinical outcomes of IVF-ICSI cycles with Preimplantation Genetic Screeening by CGH in couples affected of severe male factor and synaptic chromosome anomalies
L. Coll1, J.M. Vendrell1, M. Parriego1, S. Mateo1, I. Rodríguez1, F. Martínez1, M. Boada1, B. Coroleu1, P.N. Barri1
1Hospital Universitario Quiron Dexeus, Salud de la Mujer Dexeus, Barcelona, Spain
P-102 Association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and semen parameters in men of subfertile couples undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment
D. Karayiannis1, M. Kontogianni1, C. Mendorou2, C. Karamalegos2, M. Mastrominas2, N. Yiannakouris1
1Harokopio University School of Health Science and Education, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Athens, Greece
2Embryogenesis Centre for Reproductive and Fertility Studies, Assisted Conception Unit, Athens, Greece

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