Page 195 - FINAL PROGRAMME 2017
P. 195

P-116 Spermatozoa piRNA levels correlate to sperm concentration and fertilization rate after ICSI
Y. Ye1, L. Cui2
1Women's Hospital- School of Medicine- Zhejiang University, Reproductive Endocrinology, Hangzhou, China
2Women's Hospital- Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Department of Reproductive Endocrinology, Hangzhou, China
P-117 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAs) supplementation: a promising non-invasive futuristic strategy for oocyte activation in IVF cycles
B.N. Chimote1, N. Nath2, N.M. Chimote3
1Vaunshdhara Clinic & Assisted Conception Centre, Embryology- Endocrinology, Nagpur, India 2Vaunshdhara Clinic and Assisted Conception Centre, Biochemistry- Endocrinology, Nagpur, India 3Vaunshdhara Clinic and Assisted Conception Centre, Embryology- Endocrinology, Nagpur, India
P-118 Clinical outcomes of day 5 morula transfer are acceptable when no blastocysts are available after prolonged embryo culture
I. Virant - Klun1, J. Kmecl1, L. Bacer-Kermavner1, B. Valentincic-Gruden1, J. Mivsek1, M. Stimpfel1, S. Korosec1, E. Vrtacnik-Bokal1
1University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
P-119 Live birth delivery predictors of ICSI cycles with ejaculated sperm
A.M. Pinto1, M. Sousa2, J. Silva3, P. Viana3, M. Cunha3, N. Barros3, C. Oliveira4, J. Teixeira Da Silva4, P. Xavier4, A. Couceiro4, A. Barros5
1Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar- University of Porto- Hospital Centre of Porto, Dept. Microscopy- Lab. Cell Biology, Porto, Portugal
2Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar- UMIB- Univ. Porto, Microscopy- Lab. Cell Biology-, Porto, Portugal
3Centre for Reproductive Genetics A. Barros, IVF Lab, Porto, Portugal 4Centre for Reproductive Genetics A. Barros, IVF Clinics, Porto, Portugal
5Centre for Reproductive Genetics A. Barros- Faculty of Medicine- University of Porto- I3S, Director, Porto, Portugal
P-120 Fresh embryos versus all-freezing embryos transfers strategies: nuances of a meta-analysis
F. Dieamant1,2, C.G. Petersen1,2, A.L. Mauri1,2, V.A. Comar1, M.C. Mattila1, L.D. Vagnini2, A. Renzi2, B. Petersen2, A. Nicoletti1, J.B.A. Oliveira1,2, R.L.R. Baruf 1,2, J.G. Franco Jr1,2
1Centre for Human Reproduction Prof. Franco Jr, Research, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil 2Paulista Center for Diagnosis- Research and Training, Research, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P-121 Glycan pro le of blastocyst spent culture medium varies in implantation success vs failure: a potential non-invasive viability assay
W. Shi1, J. Shi1, X. Xue1
1Northwest Women and Children’s Hospital, Assisted Reproduction Center, Xi’an, China

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