Page 215 - FINAL PROGRAMME 2017
P. 215

P-233 Impact of endometrial decidualization on human blastocyst growth and cytokine secretion
A. Aberkane1, Y.H. Lee2, K. Sermon3, H. Tournaye4, J. Brosens5, H. Van De Velde1
1Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Research Group Reproductive Immunology and Implantation, Brussels, Belgium
2KK Women's and Children's Hospital, KK Research Centre, Singapore, Singapore Rep. of
3Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Research Group Reproduction and Genetics, Brussels, Belgium
4UZ Brussel, Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Brussels, Belgium
5University of Warwick, Tommy’s National Miscarriage Research Centre, Warwick, United Kingdom
P-234 Culturing human embryos in benchtop/topload incubators improves clinical outcomes compared with large-box conventional incubation systems
N. Sermondade1, C. Herbemont2, J. Boujenah2, C. Sonigo2, I. Cedrin-Durnerin3, M. Grynberg4, C. Sifer2
1Hôpital Jean Verdier, Histologie-Embryologie-Biologie de la Reproduction-CECOS, Bondy, France 2Hôpital Jean Verdier, Histologie-Embryologie-Cytogénétique-CECOS, Bondy, France
3Hôpital jean Verdier, Médecine de la reproduction, Bondy, France
4Hôpital jean verdier, Medecine de la Reproduction, Bondy, France
P-235 Comparison of vitri ed-warmed blastocyst transfer in natural and arti cially prepared menstrual cycle
M. Reljic1, J. Knez1, V. Kova 1, V. Gavri  Lovrec1, L. Mlakar1, P. Kores Testen1, B. Kova i 1
1University Medical Centre Maribor, Dpt. for Reproductive Medicine & Gynecological Endocrinology, Maribor, Slovenia
P-236 Analysis of embryo morphokinetics as a probable predictive variable of euploid embryos by time- lapse monitoring technique
M. Duran Retamal1, X. Vinals2, X. Brunetti2, J. Ben Nagi3, A. Alchami3, W. Saab3, P. Serhal3, S. Seshadri3
1The Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health, Reproducive Medicine, London, United Kingdom 2The Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health, Embriology, London, United Kingdom
3The Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health, Reproductive Medicine, London, United Kingdom
P-237 The in uence of clinical and laboratory factors on the formation of monopronucleated zygotes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
M.G. Amendola1, G. Fabozzi1, E. Rega1, M.F. Starita1, M. Majoli1, P. Giannini1, A. Colicchia1, C. Piscitelli1
1Casa di Cura Villa Margherita, Ferticlinic, Rome, Italy
P-238 When should cleavage stage embryos be biopsied?
S. Tisser1, Y. Kalma1, L. Bar-El1, T. Cohen1, A. Carmon1, A. Shpiz1, M. Malcov1, A. Reches1, F. Azem1, D. Ben-Yosef1
1Sourasky Medical Center, Racine IVF Unit- Lis Maternity Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel

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