Page 238 - FINAL PROGRAMME 2017
P. 238

P-344 Andrographolide disrupts meiotic maturation by blocking cytoskeletal reorganization and decreases the fertilization potential of mouse oocytes
Z. Yan1, H. Liang2, S. Lu2, Q. Lyu1
1Shanghai 9th People’s Hospital, Department of Assisted Reproduction, Shanghai, China
2College of Animal Science and Technology- Guangxi University, Guangxi High Education Key Laboratory for Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology, Nanning, China
P-345 New trial of dydrogesterone regimen as an effective oral alternative for suppression of premature luteinizing hormone surges during controlled ovarian stimulation of assisted reproductive therapy N. Iwami1, N. Hirayama1, Y. Kobayashi1, M. Kanaya1, A. Yagi1, T. Saito1, J. Ozawa1, T. Yamamoto1,
E. Watanabe1, O. Moriwaka1, H. Kamiya1
1Kamiya Ladies Clinic, Center of reproductive medicine, Sapporo, Japan
P-346 Effect of vitamin D supplementation on preconception immune tolerance in infertile women
Y. Ikemoto1, K. Keiji1, N. Koji2, O. Asako1, J. Makoto1, M. Keisuke1, U. Yuki1, M. Akemi1, S. Rikikazu2, T. Satoru1
1Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and gynecology, Tokyo, Japan
2Division of Reproductive Medicine- Sugiyama Clinic, Obstetrics and gynecology, Tokyo, Japan
P-347 In vitro fertilization outcomes in relation to adherence to the Mediterranean diet among women from a fertility clinic
D. Karayiannis1, M. Kontogianni1, C. Mendorou2, M. Mastrominas2, N. Yiannakouris1
1Harokopio University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics- School of Health Science and Education, Athens, Greece
2Embryogenesis, Assisted Conception Unit, Athens, Greece
P-348 Increased peripheral blood natural killer cell fraction is associated with lower level of anti- Müllerian hormone
Y.J. Hur1, S.A. Choe2, T.K. Yoon1, I.P. Kwak1, W.S. Lee1, Y.S. Kim1, S.W. Lyu1, J. Kim1, E.M. Chang1, J.W. Kim1, H.J. Lee1, I.S. Kang1, M.K. Koong1, M.J. Kim1, Y. Lee1
1CHA fertility center, infertility, Seoul, Korea- South
2CHA University School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul, Korea- South
P-349 Advanced glycation end-products accumulation affects assisted reproductive technology outcomes
R. Kawabe1, T. Nishihara2, T. Inoue1, Y. Morimoto1
1HORAC Grand Front Osaka Clinic, medical doctor, Osaka, Japan
2HORAC Grand Front Osaka Clinic, division of culture environment, Osaka, Japan

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