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 P-435 Utilization of dydrogesterone in programmed FET cycles allows the determination of serum progesterone of exclusively trophoblastic origin in pregnancy- an update on the luteoplacental shift
K. Neumann1, M. Depenbusch1, A. Schultze-Mosgau1, T. Osterholz-Zaleski1, G. Griesinger1
1Universitäre Kinderwunschzentren Lübeck/Manhagen, Department of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, Lübeck, Germany
P-436 Local Endometrial injury before frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FTET) cycles? A review and meta-analysis
E. Theodorou1, J. Ben Nagi1, O. Ozturk1, P. Serhal1
1The Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health CRGH, Reproductive Medicine, London, United Kingdom
P-437 Identification of the human uterine acetylome.
M. Taggart1, M. Karolczak-Bayatti2, R. Watson1, A. Treumann3, G.N. Europe-Finner1, P. Palmowski1 1Newcastle University, Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
2Manchester University, School of Health Sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom
3Newcastle University, Newcastle Proteome and Protein Analysis, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
P-438 Is Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) screening relevant to increase pregnancy rates in patients with failed IVF cycles?
G. Teles1, R. Lacordia2, T. Bonetti3, A.R. Lorenzon-Ojea4, E. Motta5
1Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva, Clinical Medicine Department, São Paulo, Brazil
2Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva, Clinical Medicine Department, São Paulo- SP, Brazil
3Federal University of São Paulo, Gynecology Department, São Paulo- SP, Brazil
4Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva, Scientific Coordination, São Paulo- SP, Brazil
5Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva/Federal University of São Paulo, Clinical Medicine Department/ Gynecology Department, São Paulo- SP, Brazil
P-439 The inflammatory response during the implantation period: association with the Reticular Stress and the Unfolded Protein Response
R.E. Ramhorst1, E. Grasso1, S. Gori1, E. Soczewski2, L. Fernánez2, L. Gallino2, T. Lobo3, S. Daher3, M. Irigoyen4, G. Martínez4, C. Ruhlmann4, C. Pérez Leirós2
1CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Laboratorio de Inmunobilogía de la Reproducción, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2CONICET- Uinversidad de Buenos AIres, Laboratorio de Inmunobilogía de la Reproducción, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3Universidade Federal de São Paulo- São Paulo- Brazil, Department of Obstetrics-, Sao Pablo, Brazil 4Instituto Feritilidad San isidro, Instituto Feritilidad San isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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