Page 106 - ESHRE2019
P. 106

   Characteristics of aPL –related thromboses
• 1) Thrombosis without inflammation
• 2) Affects ANY vascular bed
• Venous
• Microvascular
• Arterial
• Placental
• 3) Recurrent thromboses tend to occur in the SAME vascular bed
• 4) aPL promote atherosclerosis in some patients (hyperlipidaemia)
• 5) Each patient has their own syndrome, not always full house.
  APS is a multisystem disorder
10-20% have livedo reticularis
30% have cardiac valve abnormalities but rarely haemodynamic problems
Mild thrombocytopenia (plt >80 x 109/l) is a common feature
......and evidence of other auto- immune disease
- lupus
-12% have positive Coombs test -thyroid disease
-coeliac disease, ITP etc

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