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  References: Personal context cont.
• Grover NS, Deal AM, Wood WA, Mersereau JE. Young Men With Cancer Experience Low Referral Rates for Fertility Counseling and Sperm Banking. J Oncol Pract. 2016;12(5):465-471.
• Van Eck K, Thakkar M, Matson PA, Hao L, Marcell AV. Sex and cohort differences in latent classes of routine care use from middle childhood through adolescence. Pediatrics, under review.
• Marcell AV, Matson P, Ellen JM, Ford CA. Annual physical examination reports vary by gender once teenagers become sexually active. J Adolesc Health. 2011;49(1):47-52.
• Marcell AV, Raine T, Eyre SL. Where does reproductive health fit into the lives of adolescent males? Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2003;35(4):180-187.
• Maeda E, Boivin J, Toyokawa S, Murata K, Saito H. Two-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial: knowledge and reproductive outcome after online fertility education. Hum Reprod. 2018;33(11):2035-2042.
• Daniluk JC, Koert E. Fertility awareness online: the efficacy of a fertility education website in increasing knowledge and changing fertility beliefs. Hum Reprod. 2015;30(2):353-363.
• Wiklander M, Strandquist J, Obol CM, et al. Feasibility of a self-help web-based intervention targeting young cancer patients with sexual problems and fertility distress. Support Care Cancer. 2017;25(12):3675-3682.
• Kalmuss D, Armstrong B, Franks M, Hecker G, Gonzalez J. Evaluation of a community-based sexual health intervention for young adult Latino and African-American men. J Men's Health. 2008;5(4):318-326.
• Marcell AV, Allan E, Clay EA, Watson C, Sonenstein FL. Effectiveness of a brief curriculum to promote condom and health care use among out-of-school young adult males. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2013;45(1):33-40.
• Perin J, Jennings JM, Arrington-Sanders R, Page K, Loosier P, Dittus P, Marcell AV. Evaluation of an adapted Project Connect community based intervention among professionals serving young minority men. Sex Transm Dis. 2019;46(3):165- 171.
   References: Personal context cont.
• Dittus PJ, Harper CR, Becasen JS, Donatello RA, Ethier KA. Structural Intervention With School Nurses Increases Receipt of Sexual Health Care Among Male High School Students. J Adolesc Health. 2018;62(1):52-58.
• Fine D, Warner L, Salomon S, Johnson DM. Interventions to Increase Male Attendance and Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections at Publicly-Funded Family Planning Clinics. J Adolesc Health. 2017;61(1):32-39.

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