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PORTO UNIVERSITY Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Boivin J, Koert E, Harris T, O’Shea L, Perryman A, Parker K, Harrison C. An experimental evaluation of the benefits and costs of providing fertility information to adolescents and emerging adults. Hum Reprod 2018;33:1247–1253.
Conceição C, Pedro J, Martins M V. Effectiveness of a video intervention on fertility knowledge among university students: a randomised pre‐test/post‐test study. Eur J Contracept Reprod Heal Care 2017;22:107–113.
Daniluk JC, Koert E. Fertility awareness online: the efficacy of a fertility education website in increasing knowledge and changing fertility beliefs. Hum Reprod 2015;30:353–363.
Garcia D, Vassena R, Prat A, Vernaeve V. Increasing fertility knowledge and awareness by tailored education: a randomized controlled trial. Reprod Biomed Online 2016;32:113–120.
Hammarberg K, Collins V, Holden C, Young K, McLachlan R. Men’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviours relating to fertility. Hum Reprod Update 2017a;23:458–480.
Hammarberg K, Norman RJ, Robertson S, McLachlan R, Michelmore J, Johnson L. Development of a health promotion programme to improve awareness of factors that affect fertility, and evaluation of its reach in the first 5 years. Reprod Biomed Soc Online [Internet] 2017b;4:33–40. The Authors.
Hammarberg K, Zosel R, Comoy C, Robertson S, Holden C, Deeks M. Fertility‐related knowledge and information‐ seeking behaviour among people of reproductive age : a qualitative study. Hum Fertil 2017c;20:88–95.
PORTO UNIVERSITY Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Hvidman HW, Petersen KB, Larsen EC, Macklon KT, Pinborg A, Andersen AN. Individual fertility assessment and pro‐ fertility counselling ; should this be offered to women and men of reproductive age ? 2015;30:9–15.
Maeda E, Nakamura F, Kobayashi Y, Boivin J, Sugimori H, Murata K, Saito H. Effects of fertility education on knowledge, desires and anxiety among the reproductive‐aged population: findings from a randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod 2016;31:2051–2060.
Pedro J, Brandão T, Schmidt L, Costa ME, Martins MV. What do people know about fertility? A systematic review on fertility awareness and its associated factors. Ups J Med Sci 2018a;123:71–81.
Pedro J, Costa M, Martins M. Fertility Knowledge in Portugal: State‐of‐the‐Art and the Need for Health Education. In Justo J, editor. Diálogos Acerca da Infertil 2018b;. Psicoap: Leiria.
Pedro, J. & Martins, M.V. (2016). Quero ser pai ou mãe no futuro... O que devo saber? [I want to be a father or mother in the future... What should I know?]. Available on:‐informativo‐ sobre‐saude‐reprodutiva‐e‐fertilidade/
Pedro, J., Fernandes, J., Barros, A., Xavier, P., Almeida, V., Schmidt, L., & Martins, MV. (In preparation). Effectiveness of a video‐based fertility education on fertility awareness, intentions to adopt fertility‐protect behaviours and pregnancy desire: Results from a randomised controlled trial with partnered women

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