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 P-041 Optimizing sperm selection by magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) for couples with idiopathic failed implantation
S.T. Mathew1, K. Matravadi2, D.G. Rao3
1Oasis Centre For Reproductive Medicine, Embryology, Visakhapatnam, India 2Oasis centre For Reproductive Medicine, Embryology, Hyderabad, India 3Oasis Centre For Reproductive medicine, Medicine, Hyderabad, India
P-042 The potential of sperm retrieved by micro-TESE in fertilizing vitrified and warmed oocytes
J. Fedder1, J. Pedersen1, E. Jessen1, A.M. Milton1, K. Blach1
1Odense University Hospital, Centre of Andrology & Fertility Clinic, Odense, Denmark
P-043 A low total motile sperm count in donor sperm obtained from commercial banks does not affect pregnancy rates after intrauterine insemination
J. Ruiter-Ligeti1, G. Shrem1, M.M. Dahan1, W. Buckett1 1McGill University, Reproduction, Montreal, Canada
P-044 Controversy Over The Use of Fresh Versus Frozen-Thawed Testicular Sperm In Men With Non-Obstructive Azoospermia Undergoing ICSI
S. Anis Hebisha1, S.S. Gaafar1, M.E. Eldeeb2, S. Galal3
1Faculty of Medicine-Alexandria University, OBGYN, Alexandria, Egypt 2Faculty of Medicine-Alexandria University, Andrology, Alexandria, Egypt 3Faculty of Medicine-Alexandria University, Physiology, Alexandria, Egypt
P-045 Roles for osteocalcin in proliferation and differentiation of spermatogonial cells cocultured with somatic cells
T. Rastegar1, S. Solhjoo2, H. Toolee3
1Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Anatomy, Tehran, Iran 2Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Anatomy, Kerman, Iran 3Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Anatomy, Shahroud, Iran
P-046 Chemokines Alter Fallopian Tube Responses to DNA-Fragmented-Sperm by PCR Array
S.O. Mousavi1, R. Mohammadi2, F. Amjadi3, S. Aghajanpour2, M. Eslami1, R. Aflatoonian2
1Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology- Tehran Medical Sciences- Islamic Azad University- Tehran- Iran., Department of Genetics, Tehran, Iran
2Royan institute for Reproductive Biomedicine, Department of Endocrinology and Female infertility- Reproductive Biomedicine Research Center, Tehran, Iran
3Iran University of Medical Science, Department of Anatomical Science, Tehran, Iran
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