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 P-164 Assessment of embryo implantation potential with a cloud-based automatic software
L. Alegre1, R. Del Gallego1, L. Bori1, N. Basile2, K. Loewke3, M. Mahnaz3, B. Aparicio-Ruiz1, A. Palma-Govea4, J. Marcos5, M. Meseguer1
1IVIRMA Valencia, In Vitro Fertilization, Valencia, Spain 2IVIRMA Madrid, In Vitro Fertilization, Madrid, Spain 3Cellogy, Research, California, U.S.A.
4IVIRMA Panama, In Vitro Fertilization, Panama, Panama 5IVIRMA Murcia, In Vitro Fertilization, Murcia, Spain
P-165 Trophectoderm cell cycle, inner cell mass area, blastocyst expanded diameter and pronuclei migration associated with implantation potential: description of novel embryo parameters through time-lapse technology
L. Bori Arnal1, L. Alegre2, R. Del Gallego1, J. Remohi3, T. Viloria2, M. Meseguer2 1IVIRMA Valencia, Research laboratory, Valencia, Spain
2IVIRMA Valencia, In Vitro Fertilization, Valencia, Spain
3IVIRMA Valencia, Ginecology, Valencia, Spain
P-166 Impact of embryo replacement position (ERP) on euploid frozen embryo transfer (FET) outcomes
A. Bayram1, N. De Munck1, I. Elkhatib1, A. Arnanz1, A. El-Damen1, A. Abdala1, L. Melado2, B. Lawrenz2, H. Fatemi2
1IVI Middle East Fertility Clinic LLC, IVF Lab, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2IVI Middle East Fertility Clinic LLC, Clinic, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
P-167 Impact of equilibration duration during oocyte vitrification protocol: preliminary results of a prospective observational study
C. Herbemont1, S. Sarandi1, B. Dagher-Hayeck2, M. Comtet2, C. Vinolas2, J. Calvo2, F. Krief2, I. Cedrin-Durnerin2, M. Grynberg2, C. Sifer1
1Hôpital Jean Verdier, Histologie-Embryologie-Cytogénétique-Biologie de la Reproduction-CECOS, Bondy, France
2Hôpital Jean Verdier, Médecine de la Reproduction, Bondy, France
P-168 Comparative analysis of different nuclear transfer techniques to prevent the transmission of mitochondrial DNA variants
M. Tang1, R. Reddy1, Y. Gansemans2, M. Van der Jeught1, A. Boel1, P. Stamatiadis1, R. Van Coster3, D. Deforce2, F. Van Nieuwerburgh2, P. De Sutter1, B. Heindryckx1
1Ghent University Hospital Ghent Fertility and Stem cell Team, Department for Reproductive Medicine, Gent, Belgium
2Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology- Ghent University- Ottergemsesteenweg 460- Ghent 9000- Belgium, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Gent, Belgium
3Department of Pediatric Neurology and Metabolism- Ghent University Hospital- Corneel Heymanslaan 10- Ghent- Belgium, Department of Pediatric Neurology and Metabolism, Gent, Belgium
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