Page 245 - ESHRE2019
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Ethics and law
P-335 Surrogacy in the Czech Republic from the point of view of the law office: experience for the years 2009-2018
H. Konecna1, I. Honzová2, L. Prudil3, L. Prudilova4, A. Zemandlova3, E. Michelova3, T. Rumpikova5, D. Rumpik5
1Univerzity of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
2AK Prudil a spol.- s.r.o., AK Prudil. a spol.- s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic
3AK Prudil a spol.- s.r.o., AK Prudil a spol.- s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic
4AK Prudil a spol. s.r.o., AK Prudil a spol- s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic
5The Clinic of Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology Zlin, Assisted reproduction, Zlin, Czech Republic
P-336 Policy recommendations for queer and trans reproduction with Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Europe
D. Leibetseder1
1Uppsala University, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala, Sweden
P-337 Reproductive rights: status & future?
J. Rothmar Herrmann1, F. Hogholm Pedersen1
1University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Copenhagen, Denmark
P-338 Egg providers’ views on the use of surplus eggs in the UK, Spain and Belgium: implications for information giving and informed consent
N. Hudson1, C. Coveney2, L. Culley1, T. Goethals3, C. Herbrand1, S. Lafuente4, V. Pavone4, G. Pennings3, V. Provoost3, C. Weis1
1De Montfort University, Centre for Reproduction Research, Leicester, United Kingdom
2Loughborough University, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough, United Kingdom
3Ghent University, Bioethics Institute Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
4Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institute of Public Goods and Policies, Madrdid, Spain
P-339 Should long-term follow-up post-mitochondrial replacement be left up to physicians, parents, or offspring?
T. Ishii1
1Hokkaido University, Office of Health and Safety, Sapporo, Japan
P-340 Strong fertility patients´ concerns about frozen embryos: a pilot descriptive study in an Argentinean fertility center
S. Lancuba1, N. Lima2, C. Branzini3
1CIMER Centro de Investigaciones en Medicina Reproductiva, Dirección Médica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2National Scientific and Technical Research Council - CONICET Argentina, Facultad de Psicología- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3CIMER Centro de Investigaciones en Medicina Reproductiva, Head of the Embryology Laboratory, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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