Page 286 - ESHRE2019
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P-549 Preventing the recurrence risk by NGS-based PGT-M for monogenic disease resulting from mosaic germline mutation
X. Hu1, W.B. He1,2, J. Dai1, Y. Zhang1, W. Li1,2, G.X. Lu1,2, G. Lin1,2, Y.Q. Tan1,2, J. Du1,2 1Reproductive&Genetic Hospital Of CITIC-Xiangya, Genetic center, Chang Sha, China
2Central South University, The institute of Reproduce and Stem Cell Engineering, Chang Sha, China
P-550 Utilization of Magnetic-activated Cell Sorting after the failure of a first Pre-implantation Genetic Testing cycle improves the outcome of assisted reproduction treatments
F. Scarselli1, E. Cursio1, M.G. Minasi1, A. Ruberti1, V. Zazzaro1, S. Gatti1, A. Pristerà1, M.T. Varricchio1, A. Caragia1, M.C. Greco1, P.F. Greco1, A. Biricik2, F. Spinella2, F. Fiorentino2, E. Greco1
1European Hospital, Reproductive Medicine, Rome, Italy 2Genoma Group, Genetics, Rome, Italy
P-551 The influence of ploidy status on the expression of DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint genes in human preimplantation embryos
X. Sun1, R. Odia2, C. Williams1, M. Campbell-Forde1, I. Orach1, G. Sugumar1, J. Ben-Nagi3, P. Serhal3, S. Sen Gupta1
1University College London, Institute for Women’s Health, London, United Kingdom
2The Centre for Reproductive & Genetic Health, Embryologist Team, London, United Kingdom 3The Centre for Reproductive & Genetic Health, Clinician Team, London, United Kingdom
P-552 Contributions of new genomic analyzes (array-CGH and next generation sequencing (NGS)) in the identification of rare causes of human ovarian infertility
F. Scheffler Gharieni1, N. Celton1, G. Gedraszak2, N. Belhadri-Mansouri1, M. Gallet1, R. Cabry1, H. Copin1, M. Benkhalifa1
1CHU Amiens Picardie SUD, Service de médecine et biologie de la reproduction- cytogénétique et CECOS de Picardie, Amiens, France
2CHU Amiens Picardie SUD, Laboratoire de génétique moléculaire médicale, Amiens, France
P-553 FMR1-CGG-repeat length can induce AKT/mTOR signaling in human granulosa cells from IVF patients
J. Rehnitz1,2, B. Messmer1, J.E. Dietrich2, S. Roesner2, A. Freis2, T. Strowitzki2, K. Hinderhofer3, P.H. Vogt1
1Universitäts-Frauenklinik, Gynecological Endocrinology and Fertily Disorders- Division of Reproductive Genetics, Heidelberg, Germany
2Universitäts-Frauenklinik, Gynecological Endocrinology and Fertily Disorders, Heidelberg, Germany
3University Hospital Heidelberg, Institute of Human Genetics - Molecular Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
P-555 Can gene expression profiling help characterize human spermatogenesis in infertile men?
B. Barker1, S. Cheung1, A. Parrella1, Z. Rosenwaks1, G.D. Palermo1
1Weill Cornell Medicine, The Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen Center for Reproductive Medicine, New York, U.S.A.

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