Page 294 - ESHRE2019
P. 294

P-591 Late-follicular phase progesterone rise does not affect embryo euploidy and cumulative live birth rates. An analysis of 1500 embryos following PGT-A
N.P. Polyzos1, S. Garcia-Martinez1, I. Rodriguez1, P. Montoya-Botero1, F. Martinez1, P. Barri1, B. Coroleu1 1Dexeus University Hospital, Reproductive Medicine Department, Barcelona, Spain
P-592 hCG improves steroidogenic activity and luteal function through the activation of JNK signaling pathway in human luteal granulosa cells
G. Bildik1, N. Akin1, K. Yakin2,3, T. Onder4, Y. Esmaeilian1, B. Balaban3, B. Urman2,3, O. Oktem2,3
1Koc University School of Medicine and Graduate School of Health Sciences, Reproductive Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
2Koc University School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Istanbul, Turkey 3American Hospital Women’s Health Center, Assisted Reproduction Unit, Istanbul, Turkey
4Koc University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Istanbul, Turkey
P-593 Can post-hoc progesterone supplementation rescue the clinical outcomes in the patients with low serum progesterone on the day of embryo transfer?
Y.P. Chang1, T.H. Chuang1, S.C. Huang1, Y.H. Hsu1, M.J. Lee1, H.L. Wang1, H.H. Lai1
1Stork Fertility Center- Stork Ladies Clinic, Stork Fertility Center, Hsinchu City, Taiwan R.O.C.
P-594 Prospective randomized trial comparing corifollitropin-alfa late start (day 4) vs. corifollitropin-alfa standard start (day 2) in expected poor, normal and high-responders undergoing IVF/ICSI
A. Revelli1, M. Sestero1, S. Canosa1, C. Filippini2, G. Pittatore1, F. Salvagno1, G. Gennarelli1, C. Benedetto1
1Physiopathology of Reproduction and IVF Unit- Sant’Anna Hospital, Surgical Sciences- University of Torino, Torino, Italy
2Statistics- Molinette Hospital, Department of Surgical Sciences- University of Torino, Torino, Italy
P-595 Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) for breast cancer patients: the effect of starting day of letrozole
M. Jeong1, J.Y. Han1, H. Kim1,2, S.Y. Ku1,2, C.S. Suh1,2, S.H. Kim1,2, Y.M. Choi1,2
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea- South
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea- South
P-596 PPARG splicing variant inhibits cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis in granulosa cells of PCOS patients
C. Shi1, J. Xu1, Y. Wu1, H. Huang1
1International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital- School of Medicine- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of reproductive centre, Shanghai, China

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