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 P-771 Higher risk of preeclampsia in singleton pregnancies, from donor versus autologous oocytes (AO) with similar endometrial preparation, in a healthy, young cohort: a prospective study
M. Varma1, S. Singh2, S. Verma3, H. Tuli4, R. Kumar4, T. Kaur5
1Sadbhavna Medical & Heart Institute, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Patiala, India 2Sadbhavna Medical & Heart Institute, Reproductive Medicine, Patiala, India 3Edwards Lifesciences, Marketing and Innovations, Irvine- California, U.S.A. 4Sadbhavna Medical & Heart Institute, Neonatology, Patiala, India
5Sadbhavna Medical & Heart Institute, Anaesthesia, Patiala, India
P-772 IVF incident reporting system: a customized tool for the application of the Quality management system in IVF laboratories
A. Nicoli1, D. Morini1, G. De Feo1, B. Valli1, M.L. Tranquillo1, A. Sibahi1, J. Daolio1, P. Ragni1
1Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale - IRCCS di Reggio Emilia- Italy, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reggio Emilia, Italy
P-773 Frozen-thawed embryo transfer is an independent risk factor for third stage of labor complications in singleton vaginal deliveries
Y. Shufaro1, O. Sapir1, E. Krispin1, A. Ben-Haroush1, G. Oron1, E. Shlush1, E. Altman1, T. Schohat1, A. Viznetser1, A. Wertheimer1
1Infertility and IVF Unit- Beilinson Hospital- Rabin Medical Center- and the Felsenstein MRC- Tel-Aviv University, Beilinson Women’s Hospital, Petach-Tikva, Israel
P-774 The effect of maternal pre-pregnancy BMI on intelligence and growth of singletons following IVF/ICSI: follow-up of a large sized, cohort study
H. Yan1, M. Tang1, Y. Fu1, X. Hu1, F. Zhang1, L. Xing1, D. Chen1, Y. Zhu1
1Women’s Hospital School of Medicine Zhejiang University, Department of Reproductive Endocrinology, Hangzhou, China
P-775 The pregnancy outcomes of women with a congenital didelphus uterus after in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
X. Li1, Y. Ouyang1, P. Cai1, F. Gong2
1Reproductive & Genetic Hospital CITIC-Xiangya, Imaging Department, Changsha, China 2Reproductive & Genetic Hospital CITIC-Xiangya, Reproductive Department, Changsha, China
P-776 The Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Capability Assessment: experiences from 24 pilot assessments with fertility clinics from 14 countries
P. Harrison1, S. McArthur2, D. Seidel3
1Genea, Genea Consult, Sydney, Australia
2Genea, Genea, Sydney, Australia
3Freelance Consultant, Consulting, Mannheim, Germany
P-777 Pregancy outcomes of patients with a congenital unicornuate uterus: an analysis of 406 women following in vitro fertilization embryo transfer
J. Xiao1, X. Li1, Y. Ouyang1, Y. Mao1
1Reproductive & Genetic Hospital CITIC-Xiangya, Imaging Department, Changsha, China
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