Centre accreditation of subspecialist training programme in Reproductive Medicine

ESHRE offers the opportunity for MAR or RM centres to become recognised as ESHRE Training Centres for Reproductive Medicine physicians. These centres must meet requirements for specialist training, including use of an approved training syllabus and logbooks to record both practical training and competence assessment. The criteria for accreditation of MAR centres for specialist training of Reproductive Medicine fellows are described on these web pages.
The ESHRE theory examinations for physicians (EFRM) are recognised by UEMS-CESMA, while accreditation of practical training in Reproductive Medicine operates under the ESHRE/EBCOG umbrella.
Who Can Benefit from Accreditation of Training in Reproductive Medicine?
- National Professional Bodies: These bodies, responsible for the level of education in healthcare, can adopt a European standardised system for training and testing knowledge in Reproductive Medicine”
- MAR Centres: These centres can use a standardised ESHRE tool to establish the required traceable system of training, knowledge, and competency assessment for their Reproductive Medicine fellows. Their accreditation can attract more fellows.
- Reproductive Medicine fellows who obtain the European Diploma of Practical Competence to work in an RM unit after passing ESHRE exams and completing accredited training.
While the certification by ESHRE® is based on compliance with certain objective criteria at a given point in time, certification cannot - under any circumstance - be a guarantee for successful future treatments. ESHRE®, its agents or any of its personnel shall not be liable, in any way, for (in)direct or consequential damages that might occur following the certification (such as - but not limited to - damage to third parties).