From science to ethics - Join us in Alicante for this workshop on surplus frozen embryos

Calendar ESHRE Campus events

Here you will find the calendar of ESHRE Campus events. ESHRE Campus events attract the world’s leading specialists and represent great opportunities to attend state-of-the art lectures.

ESHRE Campus workshops are being organised to be in-person events with live broadcast. Registrants not traveling to the Campus event can watch all the Scientific Sessions live through the Workshop Event App. All registrants can access each individual presentation through on-demand recordings that will become available on the e-learning platform 3 weeks after the workshop has taken place.
We have developed an exciting programme of courses and we hope you’ll enjoy the new format and way of learning. We are constantly evaluating and adjusting our policy and adapting it to developing circumstances.


The fate of supernumerary cryopreserved embryos

This forward-looking workshop offers a global overview of the considerations and moral debates around the use of surplus frozen embryos in the clinic and in research with a special emphasis on scientific advances in the field.

Alicante, Spain

28 February-01 March 2025

Reimagining fertility care for PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a significant public health issue and this campus will provide a rigorous overview of the latest evidence on optimal fertility care for women with the condition including weight management, optimal diagnostic markers, and ovarian stimulation.

Vienna, Austria

21-22 March 2025

Balancing risk with reward: ART safety and health in the next generation

What are the short and long-term health effects of MAR on patients, newborns, and children? This course on ART safety will separate fact from fiction with a comprehensive overview of topics including clinical protocols, embryo culture and third-party reproduction.

Naples, Italy

28-29 March 2025

The eggstraordinary beginning

The oocyte provides the molecular building blocks to create an embryo and this workshop will give comprehensive insights into the challenges faced by embryologists and the latest techniques in ART such as AI, time-lapse imaging and pronuclear transfer.

Ghent, Belgium

10-12 April 2025

Personalised medicine in reproduction

Personalised medicine is a hot topic in reproductive care and this workshop will explore the promises and perils for patients; with expanded carrier screening, ovarian stimulation, assays for PGT-A and fertility preservation for cancer among the many areas covered.

Berlin, Germany

08-10 May 2025

High-risk pregnancy and patient autonomy

The ethics of surrogacy, welfare of the child and advances in carrier screening are among many topics addressed in this workshop which also features a live roundtable discussion and analysis of real cases featuring mothers-to-be at increased risk of health issues.

Palma, Mallorca, Spain

15-17 May 2025

Fertility preservation for benign conditions: how surgeons and infertility specialists can collaborate

This campus will look at how joint working between surgeons and reproductive experts can optimise fertility preservation including ovarian tissue freezing, transplantation and tubal ligation.

Athens, Greece

18-19 September 2025

Breaking barriers: addressing disparities in MAR

This forward-looking workshop offers a global overview of the considerations and moral debates around the use of surplus frozen embryos in the clinic and in research with a special emphasis on scientific advances in the field.

Barcelona, Spain

22-23 September 2025

Mastering quality management in IVF: From theory to practice

A detailed analysis of the new SoHO regulation, practical sessions on quality management principles, and effective strategies on compliance and team readiness are among the highlights of this workshop to educate participants on best practice in safety and efficacy of MAR.

Palermo, Italy

02-04 October 2025

How to tackle adenomyosis and endometriosis-associated infertility

Endometriosis and adenomyosis – and their impact on fertility – will be under the spotlight in this comprehensive workshop which aims to explore how to assess women for these complex and chronic conditions, best practice for surgical and non-surgical management; and other key perspectives to improve patient care and advance research.

Milan, Italy

09-10 October 2025

Essentials of vitrification

The advent of vitrification has transformed the landscape in ART and this workshop will focus on the challenges, good practice and the latest techniques including the role of artificial intelligence, gamete storage limits, and dehydration/rehydration of oocytes.

Zurich, Switzerland

23-25 October 2025

Reproductive aging: from genetic insights to emerging therapies

The latest scientific findings in genomics, stem cell research, bioengineering and other disciplines will feature in this comprehensive workshop which explores the causes, consequences, and solutions for addressing the increasing global trend in reproductive aging.

Frankfurt, Germany

04-06 December 2025

Navigating pregnancy in patients with endometriosis and uterine disorders

From preconception to birth, this workshop will inform clinicians and caregivers how best to support women with these conditions in their pregnancy journey, with key topics addressed such as sexual health, fibroids and physiotherapy.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

11-12 December 2025