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Online home exam policy

Last modified on 24/08/2023

Please read the Online Home Exam Policy in conjunction with the Rules and Requirements for ESHRE embryology certification (consult here) and the General Terms and Conditions for Accreditation and Certification (consult here)

1. General

Your compliance with the Online Home Exam Policy is essential to participate in and complete the online exam. ESHRE can thus never be held liable – direct nor indirect – for your inability to comply with the Online Home Exam Policy or any non-conformity of the exam with the Online Home Exam Policy (in both cases irrespective whether this non-compliance is non-intentional, caused by a technical incident or due to your negligence or wilful misconduct).
You must accept this Online Home Exam Policy by accepting each article individually via opt-in and this upon receipt of the invitation letter whereby you will need to confirm its content in order to get access to your installation data. Without your acceptance, you will not be able to receive the installation data and commence with the required installation of the examination software.

By accepting, I warrant to comply with this Online Home Exam Policy at all times during the exam procedure (i.e. from application to receipt of your exam results). I acknowledge that any non-conformity of the exam with this Online Home Exam Policy may result in the invalidity of the exam (irrespective of the cause of the non-conformity).


2. Privacy

The processing of your personal data by ESHRE within the context of the online exam shall take place in accordance with the provisions of ESHRE’s privacy declaration. This privacy declaration includes information about the personal data collected by ESHRE, as well as the manner in which ESHRE uses and processes this personal data (see section “You are a participant or involved with ESHRE®’s certification & accreditation programmes” in Title 3). The privacy declaration can be consulted on the ESHRE website and must be read together with the cookie policy.
Furthermore, given the online format of the exam, ESHRE appeals on a third party software provider which is specialized in remote examination extension software (AI technology) for online examinations. This implies that said third party software provider shall process your personal data as a processor on behalf of ESHRE. In this respect, ESHRE – as controller – undertakes to conclude a data processing agreement with the third party software provider, which will contain the necessary guarantees in respect of the confidentiality and privacy of your personal data.

I acknowledge and agree explicitly that ESHRE shall process my personal data in accordance with the ESHRE privacy declaration (as published on the ESHRE website).

3. Preparation for the online exam

ESHRE will send you timely an invitation letter to initiate the preparation required to participate in the online exam, including instructions to get access to your installation data.

Furthermore, said invitation letter shall also make reference to the specific installation instructions from the third party software provider.

I acknowledge and agree explicitly that it is my sole responsibility to read both the preparation information as well as the installation instructions carefully and thus be fully prepared before the installation of the examination software.

4. Installation of the examination software

Once you have confirmed the content and receipt of the invitation letter as well as have accepted the Online Home Exam Policy, you will get access to your installation data. You will be asked to enter your last name and your personal booking code.

Please note that you have to complete the installation of the examination software before the deadline expressly stated in the invitation letter or you will not be able to participate in and complete the online exam, without any right of compensation from both ESHRE and the online exam software provider.

It is your sole responsibility to have read and comply fully with the following essential installation instructions (non-exhaustive list):

- To install the examination software, you should accept the software as a safe programme;
- Your computer needs to be updated to one of the following operating systems: Windows 10 11 (64-bit) / Mac 10.14 or later ;
- Your computer has a functioning camera (external cameras are not allowed );
- You have full user rights to install the examination software on your computer (when using a work computer, check with your IT department);
- Your computer has a stable internet connection;
- Any VPN connections should be switched off before the installation of the examination software;
- Close all other programs potentially running on your computer (such as, firewalls or antivirus software as they may hinder the proper functioning of the software).

In the event you experience problems with the installation of the examination software, which cannot be addressed by the specific installation instructions from the third party software provider, you should always contact the third party software provider via their support helpdesk and submit a ticket. If you have sent one ticket there is no need to send another one. Any request for support not submitted via the proper communication channel of the third party software provider shall be considered non-existent and shall thus not be resolved.

As ESHRE cannot provide you with support in this matter, you may not contact ESHRE. Any request related herewith shall be considered by ESHRE as non-existent.

I acknowledge and agree explicitly that:

- It is my sole responsibility to fully comply with the installation instructions;
- ESHRE can never be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from my inability to (i) fully comply with the installation & preparation instructions and/or (ii) complete the installation of the examination software before the installation deadline (irrespective whether this non-compliance is non-intentional or due to your negligence or wilful misconduct); and,
- any non-compliance with the installation instructions may render the exam invalid.


5. Preparation of the exam room

On the day of the online exam, your desk should be empty, except for:

- Your computer (any additional screens to the computer are not allowed and should thus be removed);
- Your mobile phone (which can only be used in accordance with art. 9);
- A clear bottle of water.

Use proper lighting as it is important for our human observers (invigilators) and the examination software (AI technology) to have a clear image of your face in order to execute the enhanced security (in accordance with art. 7). Your room should be equipped with proper power outlets. Hence, ESHRE nor the online exam software provider can be held liable for your inability to participate in or complete the online exam due to a lack of (electric) power.

There is no need to empty the whole room, however no pictures of people’s faces should be on the wall behind you as they could be perceived as other persons in the room by the examination software. No other person but you is allowed to enter or to be present in the room during the full duration of the examination.

I acknowledge and agree explicitly that I have to prepare my room in accordance with the abovementioned instructions as it concerns prerequisites for a fair examination for all.

6. Attending the online exam

You have to be present in the virtual exam room at the timing specified in the confirmation letter (sent via the application platform). Attending the online exam shall no longer be possible if you are not present in the virtual room before the set deadline, irrespective of the reason (e.g. lost track of time, the examination software was not timely and/or properly installed (cf. art. 4), etc.).

It is essential to remain present in the virtual exam room throughout the full duration of the exam. If you leave the virtual exam room during the exam – for any reason whatsoever – ESHRE cannot guarantee that you will be able to re-enter the virtual exam room to finalise your exam. In case of re-entry in the virtual exam room, it will be decided at ESHRE’s sole discretion if the exam result can be validated or not, based on objective facts resulting from the post-exam analysis. ESHRE, not the online exam software provider, can be held liable for your inability to re-enter the virtual exam room.

I acknowledge and agree explicitly that being present in the virtual exam room on time and during the full duration of the exam is essential to participate in the exam and that I will thus not be entitled to any refund or other compensation from ESHRE if I am not present on time in the virtual room on time or during the full duration of the exam.

7. Enhanced security during the online exam

Due to the online format of the exam on-site invigilation is no longer possible. However, since the security of the exam is of utmost importance for ESHRE to maintain the high standards of the ESHRE certifications, additional security measures were taken by ESHRE.

During the online exam you will remotely be monitored by human observers (invigilators) through your computer. In addition, sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology – as installed via the examination software – will be used to assist the invigilators to detect any suspicious patterns. The AI technology will monitor your interaction with the exam software, patterns, and also make periodic recordings. These recordings will be analysed to detect and identify the applicant, and other patterns.

Therefore, it is thus essential that:

- No other people are in the room once you attend the virtual room;
- No pictures of people’s faces should be visible on the wall behind you as they could be perceived as other persons in the room by the examination software;
- You do not have access to any additional computer equipment during the online exam, other than the computer to participate in the online exam.
- That the camera is functioning and switched on during the whole exam. If no images can be recorded or invigilators are not able to monitor the applicant (due to any reason whatsoever: technical error or incompatibility, by intent, negligence…), the exam can be considered invalid.

Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden during the online exam to:

- Access the internet, any technology devices, any information sources (such as but not limited to books, journals, notes, research) or any other methods that improve your results beyond your own un-assisted knowledge.
- Take any pictures of the questions (including screenshots).
- Use any camera or video recording equipment;
- To switch off the camera or disable any recordings (manually or electronically) during the exam
- Communicate with any other person, except when you are contacted by the support team of the third party software provider (cf. art.9). Your mobile phone can thus only be used for that specific reason;
- Hinder the proper working of the examination software (including the AI technology) in any manner;
- Ignore or fail to abide by the reasonable instructions of an invigilator or other exam official (whether addressed to you directly/specifically or to all applicants);

Finally, the data will be stored and analysed after the online exam (cf. art. 8).

It is your responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of the examination software (by complying with the rules in this article 8 and the installation instructions specified above (cf. art. 4). If you identify any disruption of the software or any other peculiarity when installing the software or during the exam, you shall notify the helpdesk immediately (cfr. art. 4 & 9). Any breach of the above security rules is considered grounds for disqualification and can be qualified as fraud (without prejudice to the stipulations of the ESHRE General Terms and Conditions for Accreditation and Certification on fraud and inappropriate behaviour). In the event you breach one or more of these security rules, the exam board reserves the right:

- To notify the regulatory body and/or national society of the country/countries you are working in and/or your employer(s);
- To prevent you for participating in exams at a future timepoint;
- To disqualify your participation in the online exam and/or consider your exam results as inadmissible;
- To revoke the awarded certification following your participation in the online exam if the breach/fraudulent actions are only detected after the certification has been granted.

Instances of fraud will result in exclusion from ESHRE, whereby this decision shall be published on the ESHRE website.

Monitoring of the exam is a prerequisite for the validity and conformity of the examination. You therefore acknowledge that only exams that could be adequately monitored during the entire examination (i.e. monitored to a level that eliminates doubt on the occurrence of any inappropriate behaviour or fraud) shall be considered completed in accordance with this Online Home Exam Policy. Exams not meeting those standards (due to whatsoever reason: technical disruption, by intent, negligence, etc.) can be considered invalid by ESHRE (either on grounds of fraud, as stipulated above, or on grounds of non-conformity with the Online Home Exam Policy). ESHRE can never be held liable for any direct or indirect damage (including the impossibility to participate in and/or complete the online exam, or acquire the certificate) resulting from said non-compliance, irrespective whether this non-compliance is non-intentional or due to your negligence or wilful misconduct.

I acknowledge and agree explicitly that adequate monitoring of the exam and my compliance with the security rules is a prerequisite to be able to participate in and complete the online exam in conformity with the Online Home Exam Policy. Any form of non-compliance/fraud can lead to disqualification and/or the inadmissibility of my exam results and – where appropriate – to the withdrawal of my certification (if already granted by ESHRE), without any right of compensation from ESHRE.

8. Data monitoring, recording and processing

As part of the enhanced security, all data will be sampled and stored, before and during the online exam. This data includes all of your interactions with software (mouse, keyboard, data traffic etc) and periodic images taken by the camera on your computer.
This data will be processed by algorithms including AI to detect patterns. These data models will detect patterns in your exam response, body language, facial features as well as presence of any unauthorized persons (not you). You will also be monitored by one or more invigilators. This data gathering is intrusive but serves the purpose of creating a safe environment for participating in the online exam.
Furthermore, all such data will also be recorded and the recorded data will be merged with other data sources to analyse your exam performance and detect any suspicious patterns. This analysis will be performed during the online exam, and more extensively after the online exam.
Your exam data and periodic images during the online exam will be kept for a maximum of two (2) years for reason of proof.
Insofar this includes the processing of personal data, we refer to ESHRE’s privacy declaration on the ESHRE website (cfr. art. 2).

I acknowledge that such data monitoring, recording and processing by ESHRE is essential to safeguard the high standards of the ESHRE certification and detect any non-compliance with this Online Exam Home Policy or fraud in general. ESHRE shall be entitled to undertake such processing activities based on the contractual basis between myself and ESHRE regarding the online exam.

9. Support during the online exam

In case you (i) have installed the examination software on time and in accordance with the installation instructions, (ii) have performed all the required preparation and (iii) are in the virtual room on time (cf. art. 4 - 6) but still encounter issues to enter the virtual room or during the online exam (such as problems with the exam software, compatibility, connectivity or similar), you must contact the helpdesk of the third party software provider by submitting a ticket. Any request for support not submitted via the proper communication channel of the third party software provider shall be considered non-existent and shall thus not be resolved.
As ESHRE cannot provide you with support in this matter, you may not contact ESHRE. Any request related herewith shall be considered by ESHRE as non-existent.
To solve the ticket, it might occur that someone of the (technical) support team of the third party software will call you on your mobile phone. The use of your mobile phone during the online exam will be monitored in order to verify whether you use your mobile phone for this purpose only. If you happen to make a phone call during your online exam, which cannot be redirected to a question for (technical) support, the provisions of art. 7 regarding fraud are applicable.
However, in case of non-compliance with paragraph 1, point (i), (ii) and/or (iii), you will not be able to participate in and/or complete the online exam. ESHRE can never be held liable for any direct or indirect damage (including the impossibility to participate in and/or complete the online exam) resulting from said non-compliance, irrespective whether this non-compliance is non-intentional or due to your negligence or wilful misconduct.

I acknowledge and agree explicitly that any non-compliance with the installation and preparation instructions and/or not being on time in the virtual room (cf. art. 4-6) shall imply that I will not be able to participate in and/or complete the online exam. In this respect I will not be entitled to any refund from ESHRE nor can ESHRE be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from said non-compliance, irrespective whether this non-compliance is non-intentional or due to your negligence or wilful misconduct.


I explicitly acknowledge to have read the Online Home Exam Policy and accept the Online Exam Home Policy in its entirety.