From science to ethics - Join us in Alicante for this workshop on surplus frozen embryos

Data collection

European IVF Monitoring

The European IVF Monitoring Programme (EIM) was established to collect, process and finally publish regional data for Europe on direct clinical results and side-effects, follow-up children's well-being and also the availability and the structure of services in the different countries.

PGT Consortium

The PGT Consortium of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology comprises a group of expert members in Preimplantation Genetic Testing and Screening whose activities take place under the auspices of the Special Interest Group Reproductive Genetics.

European monitoring of Medically Assisted Reproduction


European monitoring of Medically Assisted Reproduction (EuMAR) aims to build on these national-level registries and develop a pan-European registry of prospective cycle-by-cycle data on the use and outcomes of MAR treatments.