Registration NOW open for the Best of ASRM and ESHRE 2025 !

Webcast Monday

Session 01: Robert G. Edwards’ memorial keynote session

George A. Vilos (Canada)
Bipedalism: the genesis of uterine fibroids  

Session 02: Revisiting embryo culture

Rebecca Gilbert (U.S.A.)
Molecular mouse embryo assay: a functional bioassay for studies involving assisted reproductive technologies (ART)  
Dorit Kieslinger (The Netherlands)
In vitro development of donated frozen-thawed human embryos in microfluidic chips: A randomized controlled trial  
Misaki Shimomura (Japan)
Comparisons between different types of culture medium for human embryo development  
Catello Scarica (Italy)
Developmental evaluation of human embryos cultured in two different systems: sequential versus single medium  

Session 03: Recent advances in PCOS

Jia Huang (China)
miRNA expression profile and bioinformatics analysis in polycystic ovary syndrome patients with insulin resistance  
Saad Amer (United Kingdom)
The role of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the development of hyperandrogenism in PCOS  
Kelle Moley (U.S.A.)
The adverse effect of obesity/high fat diet on oocyte quality and metabolism is not reversible with resumption of regular diet in mice  

Session 04: Male infertility

Akwasi Amoako (United Kingdom)
Functional characterization of gpr55 receptor in human spermatozoa reveals a novel biological role for the phospholipid lysophosphatidylinositol in sperm motility and viability  
Sophie Mirallié - Nussbaumer (France)
Does body mass index influence sperm parameters in infertile men  
Michael Dahan (Canada)
Comparisons of pregnancy rates at insemination based on total motile sperm counts from the 1999 and 2010 World Health Organization(WHO) semen analysis norms  

Session 05: Managing endometriosis

Umberto Leone Roberti Maggiore (Italy)
Magnetic resonance enema versus rectal water contrast transvaginal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of rectosigmoid endometriosis  
José Manuel Puente Agueda (Spain)
High prevalence of adenomyosis in recurrent pregnancy loss and previous ART failure  
Simone Ferrero (Italy)
Impact on ovarian reserve of second laparoscopic surgery for recurrent unilateral endometriotic cyst: case-control study  
Gerard A.J. Dunselman (The Netherlands)
The ESHRE's endometriosis app, based on ESHRE's 2013 guideline on the management of women with endometriosis  

Session 06: Ovarian reserve and ageing

Helene Westring Hvidman (Denmark)
Is the prevalence of impaired ovarian reserve overrepresented among infertile women below the age of 40 – an age-adjusted cohort study  
Charine Van Tilborg (The Netherlands)
BRCA1/2 mutation carriers do not have earlier natural menopause compared to proven non-carriers: report from the Dutch hereditary breast and ovarian cancer study group (HEBON)  
Ariel Fuentes (Chile)
Poor responders (PR): androgens concentration in plasma and follicular fluid at the day of follicular aspiration  
Madeleine Dolleman (The Netherlands)
Anti-müllerian hormone in prediction of menopause: results from a large prospective cohort study  
Randhir Singh (India)
A prospective randomised controlled study (RCT) on role of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on improving the ovarian response in known poor responders in previous failed IVF-ICSI cycle  
Jessica Lefebvre (Canada)
450 IU vs. 600 IU of gonadotropins for controlled ovarian stimulation in poor responders: a randomized controlled trial  

Session 07: Developments in genetic analysis

Francesco Fiorentino (Italy)
Development, validation and clinical application of a next-generation sequencing (ngs)-based protocol for 24-chromosome aneuploidy screening of embryos  
Navid Esfandiari (Canada)
Trophectoderm biopsy for aneuploidy screening using different platforms and conflicting test results  
Carmen Rubio LLuesa (Spain)
RCT study in advanced maternal age patients using array-CGH: interim analysis  
Tony Gordon (United Kingdom)
A direct comparison of next generation sequencing (NGS) and array-cgh for PGD for structural chromosomal abnormalities  
Renata Prates(USA)
Use of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays and karyomapping in a clinical setting for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of single gene disorders  

Session 08: Fertility preservation and the role of surgery

Marie-Madeleine Dolmans (Belgium)
Ovarian transplantation  

Session 09: Fertility Society of Australia Exchange Lecture

Helana Shehadeh (Australia)
Paternal obesity impairs the reproductive health and ovarian molecular profile of their female offspring  

Session 10: Data reporting session

Joanne Traeger-Synodinos (Greece)
Data from the ESHRE PGD Consortium  

Session 11: Paramedical invited session - Laboratory

Stine Gry Kristensen (Denmark)
Isolation and culture of human preantral follicles for fertility preservation  

Session 12: When the Fallopian tube fails

Andrew Horne (United Kingdom)
Why chlamydia and smoking are bad for your Fallopian tubes - lifestyle factors and other aetiologies contributing to the risk of ectopic pregnancy  

Session 13: From pluripotent stem cells to gametes and back

Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes (The Netherlands)
Gametes from pluripotent stem cells: why does it work in the mouse and not in the human?  
Dieter Egli (U.S.A.)
Genome exchange in human oocytes  

Session 14: Novel techniques in the laboratory and IVF outcome

Niclas Silver (Sweden)
Outcome of ICSI after removal of apoptotic sperm by magnetic activating cell sorting  

Session 15: IVF from a vitrified perspective

Zhuoyang Li (Australia)
Clinical outcomes following cryopreservation of blastocysts by vitrification and slow freezing: a population-based cohort study  
Enrico Papaleo (Italy)
Freeze All Embryos: a cycle rescue or a novel strategy  
Maria Del Mar Nohales Corcoles (Spain)
Vitrification impact on human oocyte mitochondrial activity and redox homeostasis  

Session 16: Ovarian stimulation

Anthe Zandvliet (The Netherlands)
Is the current dosing guidance for corifollitropin alfa, based on body weight and age, able to optimize ovarian response to controlled ovarian stimulation?  
Jean Paul Rouleau (Spain)
Measurement of endogenous LH surge after GnRH agonist trigger in GnRH antagonist cycles to predict trigger failure  
Stamatina Iliodromiti (United Kingdom)
The predictive accuracy of anti-Müllerian hormone for live birth after assisted conception: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature  

Session 17: ART: Economics and epidemiology

Miriam Braakhekke (The Netherlands)
Funding source and outcomes of clinical trials on IVF  
Mirjam Van Heesch (The Netherlands)
Long-term (18-year) cost-effectiveness of single and double embryo transfer strategies  

Session 18: Quality within the laboratory

Anick De Vos (Belgium)
No difference in singleton birth weight according to the type of culture medium and according to the duration of in-vitro culture  
Greta Verheyen (Belgium)
Toxicity testing of decontaminating agents and cleaning products used in human IVF laboratories  

Session 19: New evidence in early pregnancy outcome

Layla Damen (The Netherlands)
Radiotherapy and its impact on pregnancy outcomes: results from a nationwide study among female childhood cancer survivors (the DCOG LATER-VEVO study)  
Jose G. Franco Jr., M.D. (Brazil)
Association between embryonic genotype for a leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) gene polymorphism and pregnancy outcomes after ART  
Yueqiu Tan (China)
Assisted reproduction technology treatment does not increase the total chromosome abnormality rate but increases the incidence of trisomy and decrease the incidence of polyploidy  

Session 20: Psychosocial issues and care in infertility

Sofia Gameiro (Portugal)
ESHRE guideline: Psychosocial care in infertility and medically assisted reproduction  
Astrid Marie Kolte (Denmark)
Psychological stress and moderate/severe depression are highly prevalent among women with recurrent pregnancy loss  
Mariana Martins (Portugal)
Male psychological adaptation to infertility: a systematic review of longitudinal studies  
Peloquin, Sophie (Canada)
Adressing psychological needs of patients treated for infertility: an international study of practice challenges reported by reproductive physicians  

Session 21: The latest findings from the Reprotrain consortia

Rafael Oliva (Spain)
From mouse to human via flies; the latest interdisciplinary andrology research  

Session 22: Reproductive surgery

Evgenia Isachenko, Ph.D. (Germany)
Perfusion of whole ovine ovaries: effect of perfusion speed and time elapsed after extraction  
Wing Yee Tracy Yeung (Hong Kong)
The effect of endometrial injury on ongoing pregnancy rate in unselected subfertile women undergoing in-vitro fertilization: A randomized controlled trial  
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