From science to ethics - Join us in Alicante for this workshop on surplus frozen embryos

Webcast Precongress Courses

PCC01: Targeting and managing special patient groups - including hands-on workshop in trophectoderm biopsy

Cath King (United Kingdom)
Counseling for genetic disorders  
Martine De Rycke (Belgium)
Microarray tools for PGD: an introduction  
Anne Louise Lunoe (Denmark)
Dealing with miscarriage  
Hetty Ockhuysen (The Netherlands)
Supporting women during waiting periods  
Helga Sol Olafsdottir (Iceland)

PCC02: Treating the man with evidence based medicine

Rafael Oliva (Spain)
Training tomorrows research andrologists to embrace 21st century investigative techniques: the promise of the Reprotrain network  
Sophie Pison - Rousseaux (France)
Molecular messages in the ejaculate remain an underestimated resource for understanding male fertility  
Richard Sharpe (United Kingdom)
Steroidogenesis in the fetal testis and its susceptibility to disruption- the latest advances  
Jackson Kirkman-Brown(United Kingdom)
Dietary supplements- are they any help?  
Herman Tournaye (Belgium)
Preserving fertility before puberty: what should the clinician know?  

PCC03: Time-lapse monitoring in the ART lab

Thorir Hardarson (Sweden)
Time-lapse monitoring – the technique; possibilities and restrictions  
Kirstine Kirkegaard (Denmark)
Effects of culture conditions on embryo morphokinetics  
Zsolt Peter Nagy (U.S.A.)
What have we learned from morphokinetics about early human development: a comparison with classical scoring systems  
Giovanni Coticchio, Ph.D. (Italy)
Expanding applications of live cell microscopy to the study of oogenesis and oocyte quality  
Shawn Chavez (U.S.A.)
The biology behind time-lapse monitoring of embryos: correlates of aneuploidy and gene expression  
Sjoerd Repping (The Netherlands)
An evidence-based evaluation of time-lapse monitoring in clinical embryology  
Charles Kingsland (United Kingdom)
Time-lapse monitoring of human embryos: A clinician’s perspective  

PCC04: The fallopian tube and reproductive function

Stephen G. Hillier (United Kingdom)
The fallopian tube as the origin of ovarian cancer  
Antoine Watrelot (France)
Is salpingectomy useful to prevent ovarian cancer  
Justin Clark (United Kingdom)
Fertility control: laparoscopic versus hysteroscopic tubal obstruction  

PCC05: The ethics of gamete donation and information sharing

Anneke Lucassen (United Kingdom)
Gamete donation and the sharing of medical information  
Theo Boer (The Netherlands)
Is not-telling the child morally reprehensible?  
Wybo J. Dondorp (The Netherlands)
Telling or not-telling: should counsellors be directive?  
Guido Pennings (Belgium)
Do donors have a right to information about their offspring?  

PCC06: On seeking and finding the evidence

Clare Lewis-Jones (United Kingdom)
The patient perspective  
Kelly Tilleman (Belgium)
When can we call an intervention established?  
Willianne Nelen (The Netherlands)
Practitioners and guidelines: 10 tips for a happy marriage  
Jacqueline Pieters, , MD, PhD (The Netherlands)
Decision making: how to balance evidence with patient preferences  
Andrea Evers (The Netherlands)
The Placebo effect: what is the role of suggestion in pain management  
Jan Kremer (The  Netherlands)
The art of medicine: communication or manipulation?  
Ana Galhardo (Portugal)
The Mindfulness Based Program for Infertility: evidence regarding its efficacy  
Rajvi Mehta (India)
Yoga: Its potential role in infertility management  

PCC07: Fertility-sparing surgery in malignant and benign conditions

Stephan Gordts (Belgium)
Fertility-sparing surgery (FSS) in severe endometriosis and recurrent endometrioma: What is the gold standard approach?  
Tin-Chiu Li (United  Kingdom)
Preservation of the uterus and endometrium in cases with huge and multiple intramural and/or submucous fibroids  
Thomas Ind (United Kingdom)
Low malignant potential and early stage ovarian cancer: is there a place for FSS?  
Dror Meirow (Israel)
Ovarian chemio prophylaxis, fertility preservation against the sterilizing effects of chemotherapy and ovarian tissue cryopreservation  

PCC08: ASRM exchange course: Practical applications of clinical and basic science genetics to reproductive medicine

Joe Leigh Simpson, MD (U.S.A.)
Screening couples for genetic disease presenting for reproductive care. Screening for at-risk and not at-risk individuals  
Marcelle Cedars (U.S.A.)
Genetics of premature ovarian insufficiency  
Joe Leigh Simpson, MD (U.S.A.)
Imprinting disorders and ART  

PCC09: Academic Authorship Programme - The A to Z of research: Doing a study, presenting a poster, giving a talk, writing it up

Johannes Evers (The  Netherlands)
Principles of study design, treatment  
Madelon Van Wely (The Netherlands)
Principles of study design, diagnosis  
Edgardo Somigliana (Italy)
Giving a talk  
Richard Sharpe (United Kingdom)
Writing a study up for a scientific journal  

PCC10: Middle East Fertility Society Exchange Course: Fertility preservation in women: Facts and dilemmas

Tommaso Falcone (U.S.A.)
Fertility in female cancer survivors: Pathophysiology and impact on ovarian reserve  
Kutluk H. Oktay (U.S.A.)
Mechanisms of chemotherapy induced ovarian damage: implications for future treatments  
S. Samuel Kim (U.S.A.)
Practice guidelines for fertility preservation in cancer patients  
Kutluk H. Oktay (U.S.A.)
Fertility preservation in young women with breast cancer  
Kutluk H. Oktay (U.S.A.)
Age specific success of oocyte cryopreservation: How to counsel your patient  
Tommaso Falcone (U.S.A.)
Minimally Invasive approaches to Fertility Preservation  
S. Samuel Kim (U.S.A.)
Current dilemmas with heterotopic ovarian transplantation: fertility or futility  
Johnny Awwad (Lebanon)
The current fertility preservation consultation model: Are we adequately informing cancer patients of their options?  

PCC11: The contribution of endocrinology and early pregnancy management to the success of an ART center

Mariette Goddijn (The Netherlands)
Waljit Dhillo (United Kingdom)
Gut and adipose hormones and reproduction in the human  
Thomas Strowitzki (Germany)
Immunological and endocrine aspects of implantation  
Anders Nyboe Andersen (Denmark)
Cornelis Lambalk (The Netherlands)
The endocrinology of pregnancy  
Efstratios Kolibianakis (Greece)
Discussion & closing of the meeting  

PCC12: The current status of PGD and PGS

Georgia Kokkali (Greece)
An update on embryo biopsy  
Joanne Traeger-Synodinos (Greece)
An update of the ESHRE PGD Consortium  
Joep Geraedts (The Netherlands)
RCT results for PGS  
Laura Francesca Rienzi (Italy)
The biology of aneuploidy in preimplantation embryos and implications for PGD/PGS  
Hubert Smeets (The Netherlands)
PGD in mitochondrial DNA disorders  
Guido De Wert (The Netherlands)
Ethical dilemmas in PGD/PGS  

PCC13: Of stem cells and gametes: more similarities than differences?

Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes (The Netherlands)
Current status of in vitro differentiation of HPSC into female gametes  
Cristina Eguizabal (Spain)
In vitro differentiation of hPSC into male gametes: current status and the road ahead  
Stefan Schlatt (Germany)
Stem cell based approaches to restore spermatogenesis in monkeys  

PCC14: New generation patients

Tomas Kucera (Czech Republic)
Evolution of socio-demographic situation and reproductive behaviour: do we see the same patient as before?  
Luca Gianaroli (Italy)
New applications of PGD  
Ana Cristina Cobo Cabal (Spain)
Gametes storage for fertility preservation  
Amparo Ruiz Jorro (Spain)
Different models of family thus different types of ART patient  
Karoline Steckley (Italy)
E-patients: from Dr. Google to Telemedicine  
Sofia Gameiro (United Kingdom)
How to communicate with new generation patients  

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