From science to ethics - Join us in Alicante for this workshop on surplus frozen embryos

Advocacy and policy engagement

How we are making a difference in Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) for professionals and patients in Europe

The collaboration with politicians and policy makers throughout Europe is part of our Mission and Vision. In our engagement with policy makers, we advocate for better policies for people affected by infertility and for professionals involved in medically assisted reproduction. Nothing about us without us!

Our objectives are:
  1. Increased awareness of EU policy makers and the general public about infertility as an important health issue
  2. A harmonised and complete European registry on medically assisted reproduction including cross-border care to facilitate data sharing
  3. Issues identified in the field of reproductive medicine being tackled and addressed in the revised EU legislation on blood, tissues and cells
  4. Funding for research on infertility in the European Commission’s annual work programmes under Horizon Europe and EU4Health

To reach these objectives, we:
  • Provide evidence-based policy recommendations through position papers and statements
  • Organise meetings with EU policy-makers, advocacy events and roundtables
  • Partner in the development of EU-wide guidance in the field of human reproduction and embryology
  • Establish partnerships with like-minded organisations
  • Participate in EU-funded projects and Joint Actions
  • Position ourselves as the ‘go to’ professional society to provide expertise in the field of medically assisted reproduction