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Guide to the quality and safety of tissues and cells for human application 

Everything you need to know about handling cells and tissues


ESHRE Contributors to the former and current guide:

-   Edith Coonen, Netherlands
-   Giovanni Coticchio, Italy
-   Thomas Ebner, Austria
-   Kelly Tilleman, Belgium
-   Maria José de Los Santos, Spain
-   Carlos Plancha, Portugal
-   Kersti Lundin, Sweden
-   Ioana Rugescu, Romania
-   Cristina Magli, Italy
-   Anna Veiga, Spain
-   Søren Ziebe, Denmark

The 5th edition of the Council of Europe Guide to the quality and safety of tissues and cells for human application, published in December 2022, is now available.

The Guide contains technical information and guidance for professionals working in tissue establishments, inspectors auditing these establishments, and Health Authorities responsible for tissues and cells for human application. It collates the most up-to-date information to provide a comprehensive overview of the most recent advances in the field, with the aim to support professionals at a practical level and contribute to improving the rate of successful and safe clinical application of tissues and cells of human origin.

Two chapters are specific for Medically assisted reproduction (Chapter 29) and Fertility preservation (Chapter 30) and have been written with the collaboration of ESHRE. General requirements for all tissues and cells are written in the general Chapters (Part A of the Guide).

The guide can be downloaded online for free at the EDQM Freepub website (, please click on the image. Paper copies can also be purchased at the EDQM Store (