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14 December 2018

How to write an abstract - Webinar with Dr Roger Sturmey


Tips & tricks, traps to avoid, Q/A's, insights from reviewers: we have put together a programme to give you the best advice and get you off to a good start for your abstract submission for ESHRE 2019. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1 February 2019. More information and submitting via this link. You can download the presentation in pdf format right here.

13 December 2018

ESHRE supports WHO Global Summit on Safety and Access to Fertility Care

WHO18On 5-6 December 2018 in Geneva, WHO organized the first ever Global Summit on Safety and Access to Fertility Care aimed at developing strategies for improving access to safe, ethical, and cost-effective fertility care in low to middle income countries (LMIC). The main objective was to focus on the needs of over 40 LMIC in delivering global access to fertility care services as a strategic priority and identifying goals that universally promote healthy lives and well-being for all. In particular, the meeting consensus identified health system strengthening, appropriate HR resource and training as high priorities.

The summit gathered a number of experts from professional societies, industry, academia, government, and patient advocacy to assess the current situation of fertility care in LMIC with special attention to the challenge of providing fertility investigation at affordable costs, implementing effective interventions with minimal harm in a safe and controlled manner to ensure high standard provision.

It was emphasized again that infertility is a disease, and for this reason, it is important to develop strategies for its inclusion in the national health care agendas and international classifications of diseases. In addition, there was general consensus regarding the need of data collection and management, guidelines, and education at all levels.
ESHRE contributed to this event from its inception as co-sponsors and committed support for speakers and delegates in the belief that the summit was a milestone towards the design of a common strategy to assist those millions of couples needing medical assistance to fulfil their child wish and create a family.

22 October 2018

Help spread the patient brochure on oocyte donation 
Translate to your national language

Brochure Oocyte donation

ESHRE has collaborated in the creation of the now published brochure “Donation of Oocytes - a guide for women to support informed decisions”, issued by the Council of Europe.
It is important to make this guide as accessible as possible to patients across Europe and ESHRE therefore wants to encourage national societies within reproductive care to translate the publication into their national language.

If your organisation would be willing to translate the guide, please note that it is important to first seek permission with the Council of Europe who holds the copyright of the publication. This can be done by sending an e-mail to where you will have to specify your intention and the language of translation. Permission is formalised by a written agreement between your organisation and the Council of Europe.

7 August 2018 

ESHRE's part in the 40-year history of IVF

A 324-page monograph published by Fertility and Sterility to mark the 40-year history of IVF contains a chapter on ESHRE's part in reproductive medicine's inexorable advance. The chapter goes back to ESHRE's origins and the drive of Robert Edwards to establish the Society and its journals, and on to today, when both the annual meeting (which in 2018 attracted more than 12,000 participants) and the journals (of which Human Reproduction Update has just achieved an unprecedented impact factor of 11.9) have consolidated ESHRE as a reference point in reproductive science and medicine. The monograph, whose authors represent an A-list of authorities from the past 40 years of progress, can be found at 



20 April 2018

John Biggers 1923-2018

ESHRE shares the sadness of so many others in learning of the untimely death of John Biggers, Professor Emeritus of Harvard Medical School, USA. John was born and trained in England, where in 1958 he and Anne McLaren published their landmark paper in Nature describing the first successful culture of an early mammalian (mouse) embryo, which would lay the foundations of successful IVF 20 years later, and indeed of modern clinical embryology. John moved to the USA the following year and finally in 1972 to Harvard Medical School as Professor of Physiology. He leaves behind a wealth of research and clinical publications, notably in early mammalian embryos and their nutritional requirements for blastocyst formation. In 1978 he headed an ethics advisory committee appointed by President Carter to decide whether US public funds could be used for research in human IVF. John's place will remain a landmark in the history of IVF and his inspiration is acknowledged by all of us at ESHRE.


16 April 2018 

New editors for ESHRE's three leading journals

ESHRE has appointed new editors-in-chief for its three leading journals. They are: * Nils Lambalk as EiC of Human Reproduction * Arne Sunde as EiC of Human Reproduction Update * Keith Jones as EiC of Molecular Human Reproduction All three will begin their terms of office at the start of 2019 following completion of two three-year terms by their predecessors Hans Evers, Felice Petraglia and Chris Barratt. Siladitya Bhattacharya remains in place as EiC of ESHRE's open access journal HROpen. Nils Lambalk, Professor of Reproductive Medicine at the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, has clinical and research interests in reproductive endocrinology for PCOS, ovarian ageing and fertility preservation. He joins Human Reproduction with huge experience in research (more than 250 publications) and in journal publishing as a former Associate Editor of Human Reproduction and presently of HROpen.
Arne Sunde will be known to many ESHRE members as a founder member of the Society, and its Chairman from 2003 to 2005. His work with ESHRE has been extensive, notably in education and training and in developing the ESHRE certification programme for embryologists - and as an Associate Editor for Human Reproduction Update from 2015. He is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway.

Keith Jones is Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Southampton, UK, and an editorial board member of several journals in reproductive biology. He was an Associate Editor of Molecular Human Reproduction from 2013 to 2017 and joins MHR with a mission to maintain its growth and progress within an ever changing framework of journal publication.

The three new editors will take up their posts at a time of consolidated success for ESHRE's flagship journals. Human Reproduction and Human Reproduction Update each increased their impact factors in the latest citation reports, the former from 4.621 to 5.020 and the latter from 11.194 to 11.748. Both titles are now firmly established at the head of the Reproductive Biology and O&G citation categories, while Human Reproduction Update also has the highest recorded impact factor ever in both categories. Molecular Human Reproduction confirmed its high-ranking status in Reproductive Biology with an impact factor of 3.585, thus placing all three ESHRE journals within the top four of this category.

All three EiCs were appointed according to a clear protocol of written application and formal interview. According to ESHRE Chairman Roy Farquharson, the journal mission statement provided by each applicant proved of great importance during the interviews and in making a final decision, which was ratified by the Executive Committee on Saturday 14 April 2018.