From science to ethics - Join us in Alicante for this workshop on surplus frozen embryos

Lecture recordings ESHRE Campus 2021


Long-term impacts on physical and psycho-social well-being of ART patients and children conceived through ART: updates from different perspectives

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Global & Socio-cultural aspects of infertility and Psychology and Counselling
02-03 December 2021 | Virtual event 

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here



The genetics of male infertility

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Andrology and Reproductive Genetics
29 September-01 October 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here


Reproductive tissue engineering and fertility preservation

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Fertility Preservation and Stem Cells
09-10 September 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here


Time-lapse technology in the IVF laboratory: Management, achievements and challenges

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Embryology
22 May 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here



Gamete donors: sociodemographic profiles, motivations and treatment

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Global and Socio-cultural Aspects of Infertility
13-14 May 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here



Reproduction, hormones and the brain

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
06 May 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here



The endometrium in health and disease

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group and Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders
29-30 April 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Fertility Preservation
23-24 April 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the couse here



Adenomyosis: What we know, and what we don’t know

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Reproductive Surgery and Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders
12-13 March 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here


Counselling and the provision of information in third party reproduction: best practice in the face of new challenges

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Psychology and Counselling
28-29 January 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can access the recordings on eCampus here


Success in ART: new concepts, new strategies

ESHRE Campus workshop ESHRE SIG Reproductive Endocrinology organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
15 & 22 January 2021 | Virtual event 

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here