Celebrate with us the 40th anniversary of our Annual Meeting. Register here for ESHRE 2024.

Course description

Course type


Course description

Tissue transplants, gamete freezing and other techniques for preserving fertility offer hope of a biological family especially for cancer patients. This course offers a fresh perspective on this field of reproductive medicine which first emerged 20 years ago. Participants will learn about the latest cryopreservation and transplantation techniques, best practice for oncofertility centres, and new frontiers in this area such as sperm freezing in space. The campus will also feature a debate on whether clinics are doing much or too little fertility preservation.


Target audience

Clinicians and scientists involved in fertility preservation


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

Attendees will gain knowledge on evidence-based approaches, receive the latest updates on fertility preservation techniques for men and women, and get guidance first-hand from experts on how to handle difficult cases eg testicular tissue freezing in young boys. Participants will also gain original insights into emerging topics such as the impact of pollution on reproduction.


Innovative aspects

This campus provides the first update on this topic at a time when demand for fertility preservation is growing. It comes three years after ESHRE published guidelines on female fertility preservation.


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Case discussions


The official language of the course is English.