From science to ethics - Join us in Alicante for this workshop on surplus frozen embryos

The determinants of a successful pregnancy

ESHRE Campus symposium
Dubrovnik, Croatia
24-25 September 2010

Organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Reproductive Surgery, Early Pregnancy and Reproductive Endocrinology


Scientific programme


Session 1: Surgical Dilemmas

The use of ultrasound and serum biochemistry to assess health of early pregnancy - Davor Jurkovic (United Kingdom)

The problem of obesity and early pregnancy - T.C. Li (United Kingdom)

Evidence for surgical approaches to enhancing fertility for congenital anomalies - Marco Gergolet (Italy)

Early Pregnancy Cerclage – vaginal or abdominal? - Roy Farquharson (United Kingdom)


Session 2: Obesity and reproduction 

Effects of obesity on natural conception and fertility treatment - Adam Balen (United Kingdom)


Session 3: Obesity, continued 

Special considerations when operating on the obese patient - T.C. Li (United Kingdom)

Medical and surgical approaches to the management of obesity - Roland Devlieger (Belgium)


Session 4: Problems of Advanced maternal age  

Fibroids – what should we do?Stephan Gordts (Belgium)

Predicting fertility – ovarian reserve testing - Richard Anderson (United Kingdom)

Logistical management of early pregnancy problems - Mariette Goddijn (The Netherlands)


Session 5: Enhancing fertility 

The value of surgery for endometriosis -Stephan Gordts (Belgium)

Repeated biochemical pregnancy loss - definition, potential causes, prognosis and treatment - Ole Bjarne Christiansen (Denmark)

The evidence for early pregnancy support and treatment intervention (e.g. progesterone, aspirin, heparin, steroids etc...) - Siobhan Quenby (United Kingdom)

Embryoscopy - Vasilios Tanos (Cyprus)