From science to ethics - Join us in Alicante for this workshop on surplus frozen embryos

Educational material

Welcome to the archive of the SIG Reproductive Endocrinology.

Please log in first. Access to some of these pages is limited to participants and ESHRE members. 

The challenging ovary - innovative strategies and solutions

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
8-9 November 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Registered participants can re-visit the course on eCampus

The endometrium in ART: truth and fallacies of the black box of embryo implantation

ESHRE Campus workshop ESHRE Campus 2024 organised by the Special Interest Groups Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders and Reproductive Endocrinology
31 October - 2 November 2024 | Athens, Greece

Registered participants can re-visit the course on eCampus


Off to a good start - periconception care to optimise fertility treatment outcomes

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRESIG Reproductive Endocrinology
London, UK | 01-02 December 2023

Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here

A focus on the luteal phase: hormonal control of the window of implantation and beyond

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
05-07 May 2022 | Hybrid - Lübeck, Germany

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here


The highs and lows of IVF

Precongress course ESHRE virtual Annual Meeting 2021

27 June 2021

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here


Reproduction, hormones and the brain

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
06 May 2021 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here


Success in ART: new concepts, new strategies

ESHRE Campus workshop ESHRE SIG Reproductive Endocrinology organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
15 & 22 January 2021 | Virtual event 

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here


The endometrium in ART: truth and fallacies of the black box of embryo implantation

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the SIGs Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders ESHRE and Reproductive Endocrinology
24 October 2020 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here


Addressing the "extremes" in ovarian stimulation: New tools for poor and hyper responders

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Bucharest, Romania 12 - 13 December 2019

> Handouts
> Webcasts

The ESHRE Guideline on Ovarian Stimulation: do we have agreement?

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology Barcelona, Spain | 31 October-01 November 2019
> Handouts
> Webcasts

Infertility: tales of the unexplained

Precongress Course ESHRE 2019 in Vienna

> Syllabus
> Webcasts

The new international PCOS Guideline: tying up loose ends

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
23-24 May 2019 | Bilbao, Spain 

Watch videos

Optimizing fertility preservation for women

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Reproductive Endocrinology & Fertility Preservation 25-26 October 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark

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The PCO syndrome: from diagnosis to health risk management

Precongress Course ESHRE 2018 in Barcelona

Download syllabus


The luteal phase: the neglected part of assisted reproduction?

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
25-26 May 2018 | Hamburg, Germany 

> Handouts and pictures
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The more the merrier? The impact of adjuvant treatments on pregnancy potential in IVF

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
15-16 September 2017 | Vienna, Austria 

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Ovarian Stimulation for IVF: individualisation and beyond..?

Precongress Course ESHRE 2017 in Geneva

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> Webcast



The multifaceted challenge of female reproductive ageing

Campus Symposium organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Athens, Greece
5-6 May 2017 

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Managing the difficult IVF patient: facts and fiction

Precongress Course ESHRE 2016 in Helsiniki 

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Surgery in Reproductive Medicine: benefits and limits

ESHRE Campus SIGs Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproductive Surgery
Thessaloniki, Greece
5-6 May 2016 

> Watch video's

When IVF fails: optimal management of recurrent implantation failure

Precongress Course ESHRE 2015

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> Webcasts


Old and new in reproductive endocrinology

ESHRE Campus organised by the SIG Reproductive Endocrinology 
Helsinki, Finland
24 -25 April 2015  

Watch video's

Making OHSS a complication of the past: State-of-the-art use of GnRH agonist triggering

ESHRE Campus organised by the SIG Reproductive Endocrinology 
Thessaloniki, Greece
31 October - 1 November 2014


The contribution of endocrinology & early pregnancy management to the success of an ART center

Precongress Course 2014

> Download syllabus
> Webcasts



Primary Ovarian Insufficiency - POI: Update and Guideline presentation

ESHRE Campus organised by SIG Reproductive Endocrinology
Utrecht, The Netherlands
6-7 December 2013 


Polycystic ovary syndrome: A new look at an old subject

ESHRE Campus symposium
Rome, Italy
25-26 October 2013 


Ovarian stimulation for ART: how to achieve efficacy and safety?

Precongress Course ESHRE 2013



GnRH-antagonists in ovarian stimulation

Hamburg, Germany

28 September 2012


Optimising the IVF protocol and the use of experimental and adjunctive therapies

Precongress Course ESHRE 2012



Anti-müllerian hormone: an update

ESHRE Campus symposium
Lille, France
10-11 May 2012



7th Workshop on Mammalian Folliculogenesis and Oogenesis. Oocyte Legacy for Embryology Development

Stresa, Italy
5-7 April 2012


What you always wanted to know about polycystic ovary syndrome

ESHRE Campus symposium
Sofia, Bulgaria
8-9 December 2011



The management of infertility

ESHRE Campus symposium

St. Petersburg, Russia
7-8 September 2011



Ovarian aging 

Precongress Course ESHRE 2011


The embryo as patient

ESHRE Campus symposium
Winchester, UK
13-14 May 2011


ART – do we disregard the oncological impact?

ESHRE Campus symposium
Kempten, Germany
4 February 2011



GnRH agonist for triggering of final oocyte maturation – time for a paradigm shift

ESHRE Symposium organised by SIG Reproductive Endocrinology
Madrid, Spain
3 December 2010



3rd PCOS Consensus workshop: Women’s health aspects of PCOS

ESHRE Symposium organised by SIG Reproductive Endocrinology
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
18 November 2010



The determinants of a successful pregnancy

ESHRE Campus symposium
Dubrovnik, Croatia
24-25 September 2010


The lost art of ovulation induction

Precongress Course ESHRE 2010

The management of infertility – training workshop for junior doctors, paramedicals and embryologists

ESHRE Campus symposium
Kiev, Ukraine
26-27 May 2010


Old and new hormones

ESHRE Campus symposium
Budapest, Hungary 
3-4 December 2009


Mild Stimulation Strategies in IVF  

Precongress Course 2009

The patient friendly approach to ART

From a natural cycle to minimal stimulation and single embryo transfer
Maribor, Slovenia
27-28 February 2009


Molecular Reproductive Medicine

ESHRE Campus symposium organised as a joint initiative by the ESHRE Special Interest Group “Reproductive Endocrinology”
Thessaloniki, October 10-11, 2008 



The menopause and its management: a revisit

ESHRE Campus Meeting Organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology and the ESHRE Special Interest Group Endometriosis/Endometrium
Scotland, Edinburgh 
October 6-7, 2008 


Basic principles in ovarian physiology: Relevance for IVF

ESHRE Campus workshop Organized under the auspices of the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Lisbon, Portugal, September 19-20, 2008 



Gender specific medicine: Redefining reproductive endocrinology 

Precongress Course ESHRE 2008


Ovarian reserve. New insights for clinical management

ESHRE Campus Course Organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Modena, Italy, April 18-19, 2008 



Developmental and therapeutic aspects of PCOS and androgen excess  

Precongress Course ESHRE 2007


From adolescence to menopause

Precongress Course ESHRE 2006